

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


-Dr. Arvind Dubey
Earth eating or eating and/or craving for abnormal edible objects in technical terms in known as ‘Pica’.  It is very commonly encountered in common day-to-day practice and everywhere remains a cause of concerns for mothers especially who are conscious of their child development to an extent. Even being a very common problem of childhood, Indian literature shows a paucity of accurate information about it, especially for non-medical masses.
Word ‘Pica’ is derived from a Latin word “Magpie” meaning a bird famous for its habit of stealing unnatural object for food commonly found inedible to general categories of birds.
Avicenna in 1000 AD brought attention of general public to this problem and presumed that probably it was due to some deficiency in diet especially Iron and also described benefit of iron preparation in treating it.  Recently this disorder had given full regards by putting it in separate category of habit disorders and by explaining accurate criteria for defining the disorder, which states “evidence of regular eating of non edible substances for at least one month.
Though this disorder has been evaluated to greater depth yet exact cause and factors responsible for it are still debatable. When child is born his world of experience uses to be very limited.  As he grows, it expands through the process of exploration.  According to concepts of psychological development, first erotic zone developed in early life is “oral one”.  So at this stage all the pleasures are associated with this zone and obtained by mouthing any thing comes in the way to child but it is supposed to be normal unto age of 18 month to 2 years.  But if this extends beyond this age and becomes a regular feature then it is to be investigated and may be considered as a health hazard.  Though this habit of eating abnormal things such as clay, mud, ash etc is also found in pregnancy but it is not supposed as health hazard because it is temporary and due to some established substantial deficiencies and increased levels of some hormones during pregnancy that ceases when the things come to the normal after pregnancy.  Though being a regular eating of these things more than 1 month it comes under boundaries to be diagnosed, as ‘Pica’ yet never needs investigation.
As such few defficiency states for certain substances blamed Widely for this disorder and important one from these was iron and some time calcium and magnesium also. People tried to treat this disorder by injectable iron preparations and results were good but probably due to fear of injections in a child.
 In some tribal areas and in some underdeveloped countries such as Rhodesia, some Portuguese tribal areas, East, North & West Africa and Congo, earth eating is a common practice.  There it is usually associated with religious and magical belief of natives.  On entering alien soil an African may eat a little of it’s soil as an act of homage.  His wife, children and even the baby must also partake in this rite.  It is also believed that if a woman eats earth before pregnancy she becomes more fertile and by continuing to eat, it increases her power of lactation.
Some social factors play vital role in development of this disorder.  Large facilities with inadequate resources to take care of that large family’s needs, uninformed parents, and inadequate child care due to family disorganization, marital disharmony, unmarried mother, working mothers etc. are the important ones.  Poverty also plays an important role in development of this habit but the factor causing it may be poor nutrition, inadequate attention to child due to ignorance, psychosocial environment or all of these.
 Psychological stresses are supposed to be the mainstay of causation.  This includes, recent arrival of new sibling or pregnant mother, maternal illness or hospitalization, hospitalization or recent illness of child himself, separation from mother father or from grand parents.  Frequent change of residence also affect child’s attitude a lot and may initiate earth eating in a previously normal child.
As it has already been stressed that oral exploration is a first mean used by child and young animals to understand the outside world.  In children these oral patterns of behaviour gradually become restricted to the feeding situation, towards the end of 1st year.  This is high time. At this stage some defect in oral fixation or disturbed behaviour or orality may lead to this disorder and so may be associated with pacifiers, thumb seeking prolonged bottle or breast-feeding.
Organic brain damage due to developmental causes, cause related to birth events such as delay in first breath etc. has also been blamed as a causative factor in development of this habit and unfortunately it form a self complete circle of events.  A mentally retarded child has greater dependency on parents. If it is not fulfilled either due to ignorance or due to aversion to child, this oral activity as an alternative for satisfaction persists.  On consumption of paint as an abnormal food object, the lead of this paint may cause further brain damage and complete the circle.
Some times loss or inevitable sharing of a loved object produces an internalized hostility, which in turn may be projected as earth eating.  General environmental situations which may also lead to this perverted eating include poor housing, houses painted by lead containing paints, children of parents, who had earth eating as a problem in their childhood and children having playmates with this perverted appetit
This problem is most prevalent in the age group of 1-3 years (on an average 2-3 years of age) and children in nuclear families.  If one child in the family having this disorder the chances of another children to have this disorder increase manifold.
Dirt eating is more common in male children, which is probably due to preferential concern of parents to male children in this part of country. Prferentially more number of male children in comparison female children is taken to the doctor for treatment of this problem.
The substances which are eaten in this habit includes dirt, mud, sand, earthen pottery, wall plaster, coal, chalk, ash, candles soap paper, agarbatties, cow dung, cement, plastic goods etc.  Among these eating dirt, mud, earthen pottery, sand and chalk are more common.
In one study conducted at various places, it was found that there are so many erroneous concepts of parents regarding causation of this habit.  These include worms, hereditary factors calcium, iron, deficiency, evil spirit, and ingestion of worms during play or some unknown causes etc.
This disorder manifests itself in many ways but anaemia, and malnutrition is the important ones but it is still doubtful that malnutrition itself is a cause or manifestation of this disorder.  Not all the children with this perverted eating habit have malnutrition though most of them manifest in this way.  Worm infestation is also a leading complaint among such children.  This in turn may lead to anaemia and malnutrition because each worm sucks around 0.2 ml of blood per day from intestine.  When children ingest wall plaster they may develop lead poisoning due to lead constituent of paint.  The children enjoy eating clay and earthen pottery may be deficient for zinc.
Most of the children with this habit have a number of associated behaviour problems.  Every child with perverted appetite should be expected to have some behaviour problem particularly if he has an aggressive nature.  Most of these behavioural problems are in the form of aggressive reactions, for example – temper tantrums, bruxism, and breath holding spells, head banging and nail biting etc. Continuous swallowing of hairs and vegetable fibers may lead to “Trichobezarre” and “Phytobezarre” respectively.  These later on may present as intestinal obstruction. Swallowing of stones and may cause intestinal perforation and even death.  Though these complications are rare now a day due to advent of modern surgery.

Treatment of such common habit is rather tedious.  Due to ignorance in its initial stage it usually never taken seriously.  As defective mothering is supposed to be a very important cause of it so manipulations here lead to abatement of this perverted eating habit.  This can be done by changing the pattern of relationship in such a way that child start feeling himself secure and an important part of family.  Due attention has to be paid to his works his hobbies and interests so he may not need an extra instrument to attract the attention of others by this habit. Environment and surrounding can be changed.

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